Highly exclusive food, absolutely outstanding, flawless!

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Restaurants Restaurace Víno Šílová

Restaurace Víno Šílová

ikona ocenění Vítěz 2022

Wine and food belong together like the love of life. Wine, when properly combined, enhances and intensifies the flavours, bouquet and dining experience. And you will precisely experience all that in this place. The dishes are directly paired with the wine in the recipes or are sensorially influenced by wine and grape products, from vinegar to grape brandy. The interior and the terrace, just wow!

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Czech dill sauce „koprovka“ with egg and roasted potatoes – that is exactly how we imagine a modern interpretation of this dish. A mound of fresh dill, a dill oil and a fluffy espuma sauce. Everything else is also fantastic.

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Vídeňská 5

Tipy na aktivity v okolí

Rich region not only for gourmets, but also for fans of archaeology, hiking and cycling, and for nature lovers. You will enjoy all this to the max around the three Nové Mlýny reservoirs.

Visit the chateau in Mikulov and walk through the educational trail through the Jewish Quarter. On the other hand, you will have a perfect view of Mikulov by taking the Stations of the Cross to the Holy Hill. Museum types will be sent to the Archeopark Pavlov, which is also a treat for connoisseurs of modern architecture. Or go for a walk from Mikulov to the Turold Cave.

Katalog Gourmet

Průvodce po úžasných restauracích, bistrech, kavárnách, vinařstvích a vinotékách, pivnicích a pivovarech jižní Moravy!

Ke stažení
Copyright Centrála cestovního ruchu Jižní Morava, z.s.p.o.

Projekt realizován dle konceptu Gourmet Brno® , jehož autorem je TIC Brno